- Wedding Flowers
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- Buttonholes
Below is a selection of our most popular buttonhole designs, all of which can be customised. We have given an indication of the types of flowers that are usually included within each of the designs, subject to seasonal availability. When purchasing please let us know if there are specific colours that you would also like included within your design.
Our buttonholes are typically around 12 – 13 cm in length, the stems can be cut shorter and the designs simplified upon request. We include a corsage pin with all of our buttonholes (similar to a badge fixing) rather than a dressmakers pin as this makes the buttonholes easier to affix. Therefore they are suitable to be worn by ladies and men. Often couples will choose a different binding for the buttonholes if they wish to differentiate between buttonholes for their female guests and those for the boys. Please also see our Everything Else for further ideas for corsages.
Our buttonholes can be finished in a choice of natural twine, ivory lace or coloured ribbon. If you have something else in mind please contact us.
We are happy to make the Grooms buttonhole a little larger/different for no extra cost – if you would like us to do this please just add a note to the order details. You may also wish to use the design notes to request different colours/flowers for people playing differing roles within the wedding parry. For example “include a touch of yellow in five buttonholes for the ushers and extra purple in four of them for the witnesses.”
Before checkout we will ask for the date of your wedding/the date the flowers are required and will usually send flowers to arrive 3 -4 weeks beforehand unless requested otherwise.
Our buttonholes are typically around 12 – 13 cm in length, the stems can be cut shorter and the designs simplified upon request. We include a corsage pin with all of our buttonholes (similar to a badge fixing) rather than a dressmakers pin as this makes the buttonholes easier to affix. Therefore they are suitable to be worn by ladies and men. Often couples will choose a different binding for the buttonholes if they wish to differentiate between buttonholes for their female guests and those for the boys. Please also see our Everything Else for further ideas for corsages.
Our buttonholes can be finished in a choice of natural twine, ivory lace or coloured ribbon. If you have something else in mind please contact us.
We are happy to make the Grooms buttonhole a little larger/different for no extra cost – if you would like us to do this please just add a note to the order details. You may also wish to use the design notes to request different colours/flowers for people playing differing roles within the wedding parry. For example “include a touch of yellow in five buttonholes for the ushers and extra purple in four of them for the witnesses.”
Before checkout we will ask for the date of your wedding/the date the flowers are required and will usually send flowers to arrive 3 -4 weeks beforehand unless requested otherwise.

Buttonhole of the Month.

Dried Flower Buttonhole Kit
£20.00 - £36.00
£20.00 - £36.00

Festival Brights Buttonholes/Pocket Flower
£7.70 - £18.00
£7.70 - £18.00

Gaelic Thistle Buttonholes
£8.20 - £8.50
£8.20 - £8.50

Rustic Rose Buttonholes

Autumn Festival Buttonhole

Country Blushes Buttonholes
£7.70 - £7.80
£7.70 - £7.80

Country Wilds Buttonholes

Sunshine Yellow Buttonhole
£7.50 - £7.60
£7.50 - £7.60

Vintage Blues Buttonholes

Autumn Shades Buttonholes
£8.00 - £8.20
£8.00 - £8.20

Winter Berry Buttonhole
£8.00 - £8.40
£8.00 - £8.40

Natural Neutrals Buttonhole

Summer Meadow Buttonhole

Country Blues Buttonholes

Rainbow Shades Buttonholes
£8.50 - £10.00
£8.50 - £10.00

Everlasting Rose Buttonholes

Dried Flower Floral Pocket Square
£18.00 - £22.00
£18.00 - £22.00

Autumn Blues Buttonholes

Summer Thistle Buttonholes

Simplicity Gypsophila Buttonhole