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- Everlasting Rose Bouquet
Everlasting Rose Bouquet
The Everlasting Rose Bouquet includes premium preserved roses. These roses have been preserved using a special treatment which keeps them soft and very natural looking. The colours do not fade and these roses will retain their beautiful appearance over time.
The everlasting roses are larger in size than the freeze dried roses used in our rustic rose collection and bring real impact to your floral arrangement.
The everlasting roses are available in a variety of shades, including pink, peach, ivory, toffee, violet, yellow, red, blue, purple, orange and black.
We have included several images here of bouquets we have made with the everlasting rose to give an idea of how your design could look.
Please use the order notes to let us know the colours that you would like included in your design and any other flowers and foliage that you would like incorporated. Or contact us first to discuss your colour scheme and we will advise on what we think will work best for you.
The everlasting rose bouquet is a larger statement size bouquet available in three sizes: Bridal, bridesmaid and flowergirl. For the flowergirl posy we will use an everlasting rose which is smaller in diameter to the ones used in the bridal and bridesmaid size.
Your bouquet can be finished in your choice of ribbon, lace, hessian or twine.